I've been stuffing my face with crap these past days. Ever since I got back from Seattle, I have not been sleeping enough and have consequently been unprepared for the days. This entire week I feel like I've been playing CATCH up with work & school. (I've pretty much given up on my non-existent social life)
And let me tell you, my body HATES me for it. I wake up tired after 8hrs of sleep, even when 7hrs of sleep has been my usual for the past year. I'm sore everywhere, I'm having trouble breathing properly, I feel congested and bloated, my skin looks awful, I have mood swings from here to Portugal, and the list goes on and on and on. Not sure how other people function on cookies and pastries, but I can't do it. My mind's been feeling kinda fuzzy lately ...
Last night before I went to bed, I told myself that I would stop treating my body like CRAP and go back to eating good food.
This morning's breakfast was my go-to detox breakfast ... also great for hang-overs :)
6:30am (or upon waking) - 1 glass of room temperature with lemon juice
7:00am - 1 glass of ice cold water
7:15am - 1 piece of fruit (today was a mandarin orange)
7:45am - half cup of cooked quinoa w tsp of butter/olive oil dressing (any other whole grain works too, best to choose amaranth, brown rice, and to avoid oats because they weigh you down more)
8:00am - cup of matcha green tea
Trust me when I say this breakfast leaves you feeling great. The room-temp water floods your system and helps you wake, the cold water boosts your metabolism while the fruit gets your digestive system working. The whole grain with fat gives you physical and mental stamina, and the hot tea soothes.
For lunch I steamed up a bunch of veggies. A small sweet potato, and mushrooms/spinach cooked in egg whites. PRODUCE POWER!!
My afternoon snack was supposed to be a mug of chamomile and an orange.
However, a single-portion bag of chips got added into the mix because it was free (with voting for student boards) and I was still hungry. Not very detox-friendly with the excess sodium, but practically no sugar which is great.
I had chicken soup planned for dinner, but wound up feeling light-headed and dizzy at around 2pm so I ended up going home in lieu of my last lecture. Seriously for the whole day I've had a massive head-ache and my skin has been driving me NUTS - it seriously feels like I have hives but I haven't been anywhere near shrimp ... I think this is a combination of sugar/caffeine withdrawal.
I ended up taking a nap when I got home, and when I woke up an (unplanned) hour later, the original dinner plans got scratched because all I wanted were comfort foods.
A piece of CHIA bread with Trader Joe's sunflower butter (SO GOOD) and mixed berry jam, half an apple with cinnamon and a blob of edamame hummus.
I didn't end up having the edamame hummus. I've tried to like it, but it just tastes sour to me. Maybe it's gone bad?
I did polish off the last of the vanilla soy milk with a cup of cereal. (Kashi Heart to Heart, Puffins, and blueberries)
For dessert, I mixed a half cup Fage 0% greek yogurt (also from TJ's) with a fruit cup. This was REALLY yummy, but I'm getting kind of a sugar high right now from the syrup.
Next week is killer:
Monday: Real Estate Development Investment Analysis due
Wednesday: Portfolio Theory midterm
Thursday: Urban Land Economics and Real Estate Economics assignments due (AHHHH)
Friday: Real Estate Investment Pro-Forma Due (AHHHHHHHHHHH FML)
Seriously. Just end my life. I'm going to need some serious veggie power to help me get through the next week.
just wanted to say that i loved your reply in the comment section on Healthy and Sane...on her post about binge eating. i left you a reply over there
All your eats look really delicious! Good luck with your classes!
ReplyDeleteYo gal, you may want to checkout my blog site where I share free good recipes that may help you eating. Nothing like home cook food, DIY.. http://bemyownchef.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHey girl, I hope things are going okay for you!
ReplyDeleteur exam sounded gross. hope all went welll
ReplyDeletegave you a blog award chikaaaa