Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Got the munchies

Today was a bizarre eating day, and one that I hope won't happen too often!

I finished off the last quarter of the mediocre cantaloupe (which was still mediocre) for a pre-breakfast snack. (100cal)

Made my vanilla-spinach smoothie but only had time to have half before work. (200cal)

At around 11am I ate my pre-lunch snack. (Because I really can't handle two liquid meals in a row) A chocolate vita-muffin and some green grapes. (200cal) I also had a cup of Eggnog tea which is officially my new favourite tea for the holiday season. Bigelow's teas are AMAZING and makes you feel like you're having dessert.

Also had two squares of this Lindt white chocolate infused with coconut flakes. I have a new found obsession for white chocolate, it's so buttery! (120cal)

Even though some people complain about the over commercialization of Christmas, I love Starbucks' festive cups and it definitely works in getting me in their store. The red cups and holiday decor just reminds me of such happy times, what can I say, I'm a sentimental consumerist. (40cal from cream)

Was supposed to have my lunch shake after lunch but I decided to have this yogurt instead. (90cal)

Followed by a Reese's cup from the office Halloween candy jar. (80cal) Funny how I hated these as a kid but now they're one of my favourite candies.

Dinner tonight was a "clean-out-the-fridge" soup and a bagel. Since embarking on my two-liquid-meals-a-day journey, I've noticed an alarming amount of perishing produce in my fridge and am trying my best to clear out the stockpile. I threw together an easy soup using an organic brand butternut squash soup from a box, the remains of a can of kidney beans, two tomatos, a chunk of onion, a head of broccoli, and some spinach into a pot. It made 2 servings, each was around 170 cal.

This bagel was pretty much a vehicle to indulge my cream cheese craving. I made sure to buy small bagels so I wouldn't overdo the cream cheese. This whole thing was around 200cal.

The "clean-out-the-fridge" soup turned out quite yummy and I'm looking forward to the other portion.

Dessert was supposed to be a small plate of grapes. (70cal)

But then I wanted more chocolate. (30cal)

And after dinner I went to a 486R meeting on campus, during which I consumed this. (90cal)

Total Calories for the day: 1390

It's a lot lower than I thought it would be considering I pretty much didn't stop eating the entire day! I'm not happy that 230 of those calories came from chocolate and a further 90 came from a sugary rice krispie.

The point of using meal replacement powders is to teach myself to eat intuitively and not calorie count but I will try to limit my daily junk food intake to under 150 calories.

Junk food includes: Chocolate, Candy, Rice Krispies, Ice Cream, and anything else that isn't a part of a meal or has little nutritional value

Junk food does not include: Vitamuffins, Clif/Luna Bars, Cream for my coffee, Greek Yogurt (low fat) or anything else that satisfies satiety and can count towards a meal.

Tomorrow morning is the weigh-in, after not weighing myself for a whole week. I'm kind of scared, but knowing that it's taking a step in the right direction towards mental wellness helps.

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