Thursday, September 30, 2010

Think think think think sleep

Can't believe it's Thursday already but my week is just starting to gear up!

Woke up at 5:59 this morning and got straight to homework! Had a cup of pumpkin spice tea with some strawberries to give that metabolism a good kick.

Breakfast this morning was overnight oats! 1/3 cup of oats and a small banana drenched in almond milk overnight. Added in 1/4 of ginger granola and a small spoonful of almond butter this morning for some carb heaven!

Warm oatmeal can't be beat, but it's so refreshing to have the cold jellified oats once in a while!

Headed into work after breakfast and misc tasks kept me busy all the way until lunch. It was a colorful one!

Last night I microwaved half a small kabocha squash and sauteed a stalk of kale. Drizzled the whole thing with some lite maple syrup and added in a spoonful of sunflower butter. This meal was so delicious and filling, I will definitely be eating a lot of this combo into fall and winter as cool salads fall out of favor.

Another fall favourite made its first appearance today! During the summer when fruits are aplenty, I stick to fruits like mango, pineapple, melons, and berries. For the remainder of the year I love my traditional (albeit slightly boring) fruits! Today's afternoon snack was a chopped up Bartlett Pear with some more strawberries. It was super ripe and sweet.

Dinner wanted to be just as colorful as lunch! Quesadillas are fun to eat and easy to prepare. This entire meal involved no cooking and less than 10 minutes in prep time. It covered a lot of food groups too!

My all time favourite pairing of flavors. A gluten-free rice tortilla slathered with hummus and a slice of Havarti with thin strips of honeycrisp apple.

And a side salad of mixed greens, a dying tomato and a yellow pepper topped with balsamic vinegar and honey goat cheese.

An accomplished day ends the way it starts. With a bowl of fruit, some hot tea and a lotta homework.

Tomorrow I'm heading on campus bright and early to prep for my meeting which runs from 3 until an indefinite time ... not sure if I will be home for dinner so I'm prepared for the worst!


  1. mmmmmmmmm havarti cheeeeeze. pears look like they are browing! sprinkle sugar/lime or lemon juice to stop browning process ;)

  2. I bought some lemon juice today to try this! Hope it works because brown pears = icky.
