First, I'm pleased to announce that I managed to produce 7 more pages of my essay last night which brings my total up to 8! A reward was definitely in order and I made myself a deceivingly decadent dessert by layering cottage cheese between chocolate mousse and garnishing the 'parfait' with a few frozen strawberries. (105cal)
Went to bed happy! Had 1/3 of a honeycrisp and a bunch of grapes for pre-breakfast. (100cal)
And then my actual breakfast once I got in to the office! (200cal) I was at London drugs this morning (buying candy ...) and saw one of my co-workers also buying candy. We had previously barely talked but this morning had a rather lengthy conversation about our favourite treats and discovered that we both love chocolate, peanut butter, pretzels, and any combination of the three together! We agreed that chocolate-covered pretzels dipped in peanut butter is pretty much unbeatable. :) Food really does bring people together. (She ended up getting Reese's pieces and a giant package of Reese's peanut butter cups)
Work kept me super busy until 11 when I ventured into the kitchen for my pre-lunch snack. More often than not there will be some kind of pastry or baked good in the kitchen and I usually avert my eyes, but today I was powerless against the tupperware containing "Sloppy Brownies" and had to try one. (I picked a small corner piece because the edges are all crusty while the center is warm and gooey)
It was the same size as my chocolate vita-muffin. (around 60g) I ended up eating them both! (~450cal) This was a great brownie. It was not sickeningly sweet like some are and the center was really soft and filled with macadamia nut pieces. Mmmmm! It's one thing to buy a produced pastry from a coffee shop, but it makes me happy thinking about all the love and time spent into making homemade pastries from scratch. And it would just be bad karma to always say no to other people's kindness, right?
During lunch I went to Blenz to prep for my 486R meeting later tonight. Had a half caf/half decaf Americano and helped myself to a cinnamon roll sample. It was a little smaller than a timbit, and the frosting was soooo good! (70cal)
Then around 2o'clock I had another yogurt. I was planning on having my actual lunch smoothie then but decided I really wasn't thaaat hungry to justify using it. Plus I bought too much yogurt and they all expire next week. (90cal)
And oh yes, remember how I stopped at the drugstore to buy candy this morning? Well after that conversation with my co-worker I discovered these all-natural peanut butter chocolate bars with crushed pretzel bits. It was like a sign. I had to buy them! The nutritional stats aren't actually too bad, 210cal per 50g serving, 2g fibre, 6g protein, and 8g healthy fats. (Of course there was also 5.5g sat fat, and a gazillion g of sugar but at least every ingredient is REAL FOOD and there isn't any hydrogenated oils or glucose-fructose syrup) My sweet tooth hit and I ate about a third of a bar. (70cal)
At this point I started to get a little angry with myself, and I actually took a break from work to jot down how many calories I've had for the day to see how many left I could afford for dinner. When I realized how calorically dense the brownie was, I panicked and told myself that I could only have carrots and an apple for dinner and actually went back for more of the chocolate peanut butter bar because of my frustration. (That little piece in the above picture was really only 1/6 of the bar) But then somehow, I managed to put down my pen and slam my little notebook in the drawer and told myself to not think about it and to eat whatever I want for dinner when I was HUNGRY. It worked, and I put away the chocolate when normally I would've ended up just binging on the entire package because the day was already 'ruined'.
Anyhow, I got home in a relatively sane state and focused my attention towards my cases and before long, my stomach proclaimed its desire for food! Since I didn't have my 2nd smoothie I thought I should probably have that, but then I asked myself what I REALLY WANTED, and it was the leftover soup from Tuesday so I switched plans last minute.
Heated up the soup in the microwave and decided that garlic toast would be perfect with it. I spread some margarine on a Weight Watcher's sandwich thin and put on a TON of garlic powder. Toasted it in the toaster oven for 5 minutes while the soup warmed up.
Soup is one of those meals that gets better with time. This bowl of warm veggies and beans made my tummy so satisfied. (200cal)
Since the soup base was a sweet butternut squash, the saltiness of the garlic bread was a perfect complement. (130cal)
Total Calories: 1310
And that's a surprise because I was sure I had eaten a lot more! While I broke my own rule of only 150cal of junk food per day by having 390cal of pastries and candy, it was a big step for me not to 'write-off' the day and focus on eating intuitively. The old me would've broke down after over-indulging on sweets and ended up eating A LOT MORE. Tonight was the first night in a while that I haven't craved something sweet after dinner either. :)
Now I need to head over to my 486R meeting at Blenz, I am consciously avoiding their giant delicious chocolate rice krispies because THAT would be a little too much after today ...
Make sure you're getting enough nutrition and protein every day too...