On Saturday I managed to knock a huge chunk of one of my projects out of the way. Started the day with some necessary fuel. A yogurt mess containing bran psylliums, kashi honey sunshine cereal, vanilla greek yogurt, a splash of almond breeze, a handful of blueberries, and half an apple-cinnamon vitatop crumbled overtop.
Managed to fit a lot of stuff in that little container.
The project kept me occupied all the way until lunch, which was another giant bowl of deliciousness. From the bottom up, this bowl contained lettuce, sprouts, roasted carrots, a roasted yam, roasted brussel sprouts, an egg, and a spoonful of hummus.
Brain food at its finest. All I need are some Omega-3s.
Took a much needed coffee break along with Biscoff as a treat.
Then kept working until my afternoon snack. A fruit and veggie plate.
And microwave pumpkin pie! Mmmmm.
For dinner I had a little bowl of fried rice.
I wasn't very hungry so I kept the main meal light and snacked on half an apple and some cheddar cheese.
Unpictured is half a bottle of Old Vine Zinfandel which was just ok.
After dinner I went to see Harry Potter 7 with Al, we got some TCBY for dessert while waiting in the massive line but both decided it wasn't very good. Didn't stop me from finishing it though. :)
The movie exceeded my expectations! After reading so many crummy reviews I didn't set my hopes too high but was captivated throughout the entire 2.5hr long film!
We didn't get home until 1:30am (which is super late for the both of us) and ended up crashing immediately. As a result, I woke up this morning STARVING. Tried to pacify my hunger by eating half an apple (leftover from yesterday).
It did the trick to tide me over until breakfast an hour later. French toast with 1/4cup egg whites and a dash of cinnamon. Watered down sunflower butter for dipping.
Lunch was a salad made of lettuce, sprouts, beets, and two kinds of goat cheese. (honey vanilla and blueberry)
Shortly after Al left, I started studying and then became overwhelmed at everything I had to do. I wasn't hungry but ate a rice krispie anyway. Total stress eating.
No pictures were taking for the next 3 hours of the food I ate which is a bad sign because it means it wasn't pre-mediated. I just found myself reaching for anything around me, candy, gum, vegetables, fruits, nuts, I didn't eat a lot of anything but couldn't stop grazing. It definitely brought me back to dark times of mindless binging and I had to go outside for a walk to stop myself from eating anything else.
It helped a bit, I think that a combination of dehydration (from wine the night before), a lack of sleep, and an unusually small lunch threw off my satiety cues. Instead of having something filling, the stress over my schoolwork caused me to reach for snacks. In any case I chugged water and took a half hour nap.
Upon waking I was actually hungry. (?!?!) I had an orange and two slices of cheese to keep it light.
I wasn't hungry for dinner but knew I needed some nutrients, I had a very small bowl of rice with 1/4cup of egg whites cooked in and some cashews.
Followed by dessert, which I definitely didn't need.
All in all, I'm trying to not beat myself up over today. Everyone stress eats, and finals season definitely raises stress levels through the roof. I guess today's episode just reminded me of that dark shadow called binge-eating that is just always lurking over my shoulder. Luckily I'll be spending the next few days mostly at school and work and mindless snacking won't be too much of an issue.
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