7:00am: Need to use up leftover tuna salad melt. Pop on a sandwich thin and add some grapes and yogurt.
7:05am: Nuke 2 egg whites and BAM - awesome breakfast sandwich.
7:20am: Change mind about yogurt, make microwave pumpkin pie instead. Great decision.
8:03am: Leave house to catch bus. Realize a snowstorm hit last night and tree fell over. Climb over tree. Get pants wet.
8:13am: No bus in sight.
8:23am: Still no bus in sight. So cold.
8:33am: Still no bus in sight. Panic. Asks Emily what to do. Busses aren't running to UBC due to snow. Drat!!!!! Call cab.
8:45am: Arrive in class, $18 later. Decide rather pay cab driver than prof. ($10min for being late the first minute, and $5 for each additional minute)
8:50am: In foul mood. Chocolate croissant and cranberry loaf? Don't mind if I do!
9:00am: Feel better.
9:05am: Need to valuate Burger King. OH SHIT. Panic panic panic.
11:00am: Somehow survive first case without being annihilated. Listen to guest speaker Robert H. Lee (yes, THAT Robert H. Lee) and two children talk about their incredibly successful life. Wish own parents were multi-millionaires.
12:30pm: Subway for lunch. 1/2 whole-wheat oven roasted chicken. Food tastes good.
1:15pm: Case 2. Feel much better having been prepared. Survives brutal round of questioning by prof. Pats self on back.
4:30pm: Break for half an hour. Entire class heads to Starbucks to buy 1 get 1 Xmas drink specials. Break out into song in Starbucks for a classmate's birthday. Order grande gingerbread non-fat latte. Meeeeh. Snag two homemade gingerbread cookies. Fantastic.
5:00pm: Case 3. Getting tired. Need caffeine.
7:00pm: Brain is fried. Want class to end. Spontaneous discussion about whether there are too many asians at UBC breaks out. (See: Latest issue of Maclean's) Must join in.
8:00pm: Brain stimulated but want class to end. Stomach feels empty.
8:30pm: Want class to end. Hungry.
8:45pm: Starving. Stomach makes loud, audible noises. (Mine wasn't the only one.)
9:00pm: Class is over. THANKS BUDDHA. Assigned pop case about Columbia's final mission. Sounds touching. Want food.
9:30pm: Everything is closed. End up at Taiwanese cafe and order whatever sounds good. Chicken thighs on rice with pickled vegetables. Rice is hard. Too hungry to care.
Green tea with coconut jelly. Asian sugar fix.
10:30pm: Still tired but full. Head to Irving to work on case. Brrrrrrrrr cold.
11:00pm: Holy crap this case is long.
11:45pm: Need some sugar. Thank you emergency stash of candy. Everyone is cranky and tired.
12:18am: Cranky troopers get the job done! Bum ride off Jon.
12:38am: Home. Tired. Must crash.
12:43: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
reading this post makes me FEEL so tired! I don't know how u survive. This day sounds really terrible! How do busses stop running b/c of snow~? Was there that much!?? We must've had 30 cm of snow since the weekend in the peg..
ReplyDeleteBecause it's not that cold here, whenever it snows here, it freezes and then it gets very slippery when rained on. There are also lots of hills in Vancouver so it's pretty dangerous to drive in the snow with no traction ...