Hey guys, I'm hanging in there with the GFSF, but just barely.
Yesterday was my last workday this year at the office. The fridge is getting bare-r by the day, so breakfast was slim pickings ... a 'clean out the veggie drawer' egg white scramble with 1/2 apple w/ almond butter.
I picked up some snacks for my dad on the way to the office and was couldn't resist buying this bag of cashew clusters. It didn't have sugar in the ingredients list but did have evaporated cane juice near the end which sounded a lot healthier. After my first handful, I decided that the nuts definitely tasted too sweet to be legitimate and declared the bag off-limits.
Lunch was some canned bean salad with greens.
Enjoyed alongside my noon - hour Americano because I worked straight until lunch today. No time to eat at my desk!
Afternoon snacks were a bowl of cottage cheese w mixed berries and a string cheese.
And after work was the annual company xmas party! We went to the Rogue kitchen & wetbar and had the entire VIP lounge to ourselves. It was an open bar and a buffet with 3 serving stations. I'm glad I had to restrain myself because of my exam, the wine list was SPECTACULAR. I started with the house Merlot, which was awful - and upgraded to a glass of Zinfandel, followed by a Malbec (both of which were great). All the excessive wine drinking has improved my palette!
I really wanted to take pictures, but was seated between two of my bosses and didn't want to pull out my camera so sadly, I refrained. Here's the menu of what was served.
Here's what I had.
Plate 1 - Prime Rib, seasonal vegetables, Greek Ribs (jus over everything)
Plate 2 - Second of greek ribs, 1 shucked oyster (which I quickly found out to mean RAW), ratatouille, roasted crimini mushrooms
Plate 3 - Thirds(!!!) of greek ribs (with more jus)
Those greek ribs were PHENOMENAL. Meat isn't really my thing, so it's a big deal I went back for thirds, they were individual sized (1 rib bone?) so in total I ate less than half a rack.
There was also a dessert buffet but I resisted, to be honest, it really wasn't hard. By the time I went home though, I wished I had tried the cheesecake so made my own GFSF version using 1/2cup pumpkin, 2tbsp cream cheese, a generous dash of Splenda, and some coconut and cashews overtop. (makes 2 servings)
Then I promptly went to bed and had the worst nightmare-filled sleep I have had in recent memory. I'm convinced it was the OD of red meat, today, for the first time in a year, I pressed the snooze button on my alarm because I couldn't open my eyes. When I woke up, I felt dehydrated and tired.
Had to have breakfast though, since I had an exam that went straight through lunch. Barely managed to scrape this omelette together. 5 egg whites, 1 tbsp flaxseed meal (for more substance), mozzarella cheese, two slices turkey bacon, and chopped apple.
I quickly had the rest of the apple and mozzarella after.
Didn't finish my exam until close to 3 (was sooo hungry by then I wasn't even hungry anymore ..) and quickly gobbled this snack down. Ham roll-ups with cream cheese and cucumbers, looks like raw meat but all I had in the fridge. Also an (unpictured) string cheese.
That barely tided me over until I got home, this plate of carrot sticks was inhaled aloneside a TBSP of hummus, almond butter, and the last piece of cheese. Also had mixed berry cottage cheese (x2) ... this qualified as dinner.
So while I like the sugar-free aspect of this diet, I am not liking the over consumption of meat and cheese. They are just too heavy for my digestion and make me tired and groggy. Tomorrow I fly home for the holidays, and while I definitely plan on sticking to this sugar-free style of eating, I think I will re-introduce gluten into my life.
yeay for wheat bread!