I started off this morning with a cottage cheese bowl. Quarter cup of cottage cheese (all I had left), half a chopped navel orange, quarter cup of chocolate granola, and half a deep chocolate vitatop! I didn't plan for everything to be so chocolate-y but it just turned out this way. Loved it! Chewy and crunchy and tart and sweet.
But my stomach still felt a little empty after finishing it, and I knew if I didn't eat something now I wouldn't get to eat until lunch so I had half a scone with blueberry jam and three slices of apple pear. A little random, but that did the job.
Lunch was the usual sammie + carrots + hummus.
Today's sandwich was turkey + cranberry goat cheese + spinach + cracked black pepper. This is probably my go-to sandwich combo. Simple ingredients that work so well together.
Again, lunch left my stomach feeling a little empty! So I broke out some apple pear slices meant for this afternoon.
Z brought study snacks in the form of rice cakes! I used to eat these all the time in high school and forgot how good they were! These were caramel flavored.
Because of the rice cake, I thought I would last until dinner, but my stomach started growling around 4pm. Good thing I'm always prepared!
It was really cold outside today and the whole bus ride home I craved a bowl of hot soup with a side of scone. I picked up this Happy Planet Armenian Lentil Soup at the grocery store because it had apricots and eggplants in it and I was intrigued.
Heated up a cup's worth, threw in a handful of spinach and topped with some cashews. Paired with a perfect scone, not to brag, but I think these taste better a day after!
The soup was pretty disappointing. $6 gets you two servings but the scone was definitely the highlight of this meal. The eggplant chunks were good, but the apricot base tasted off. Dinner left me feeling less-than-satisfied, but I decided to pack tomorrow's lunch and wait to see if fullness would catch up to me. 10 minutes later, most of it had subsided and I settled for a tiny piece of scone topped with a home-made vanilla cream cheese frosting. (All I do is heat up a tsp of cream cheese with sugar and vanilla extract in the microwave and drip on top)
I stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies today to get ready for a stressful week. I'm trying to take it as easy I as (mentally) can, and make sure rest is #1 priority, but for the time being I better haul ass and study some more!
Monday: Hospital for a check-up, Real Estate tutorial, Study the rest of the day
Tuesday: Study in the morning, Real Estate Final at 3:30 - 6:30, cram finance at night
Wednesday: Finance final at 8:30 - 11:00am, cram International Business rest of the day
Thursday: International Business Final 8:30 - 11:00am, and then off to work!
Friday: Work work work work work, and then finally downtime with some WINO. :D
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