I was pretty shocked to see a 3lb loss in 2 days! Yes yes, much of it is probably water weight but it's sure a good motivator to keep going!
Speaking of motivation, it's pretty easy to stick to this diet because I am just so BUSY all the time.
On Monday, Wednesday, Friday my schedule looks like this ...
6:30 Wake up, shower, get ready
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Commute to School
9:00 Print notes for the day
10:00 Investment Policy Class
11:00 Real Estate Investment Class
12:00 Commute to Work
12:40 Work
5:40 Commute home
6:00 Arrive home, cook dinner, prep food for next day
7:00 Dinner
7:30 Homework
10:30 Bed
And on Tuesday, Thursday I have my other classes.
6:30 Wake up, shower, get ready
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Commute to School
9:00 Print notes for the day
9:30 Urban Land Economics Class
11:00 Real Estate Development Class
12:30 3 hr lunch and homework break
3:30 Real Estate Economics Class
5:00 Commute home
5:30 Arrive home, cook dinner, prep food for next day
6:30 Dinner
7:00 Homework
10:30 Bed
All this commuting would be very difficult in 4-inch heels so instead of the business formal that my office requires, my attire is now borderline inappropriate. One of the perks of being a student! My feet really thanked me today. They were warm and comfy in the new boots.
Breakfast was an egg-white omelette-turned-scramble. (Need non-stick pan ASAP!) 6 egg whites w 2 slices non-fat cheese and chopped broccoli/mushroom bits. Sauteed some spinach w/ seasoning salt on the side. (31g protein)
Didn't get to eat lunch until 1:00pm. Surprisingly, wasn't that hungry! Convinced it's the EC stack. 1 can of tuna mixed with mustard and soy sauce along with lettuce leaves. (20g protein)
Made 3 delish wraps! This was kind of a last minute lunch but it worked out quite well.
A little baggie of veggies to munch on throughout the afternoon. I need to munch at work, it keeps me awake.
Even though I wasn't hungry at all, I had an afternoon snack of 1/4cup cottage cheese w/ 1 tsp chocolate protein powder. (10g protein) Mostly to meet my required protein.
Last night I cooked up a big pot of chicken soup! My first time making chicken soup from scratch. It was kind of time-consuming, but tasted sooo good.
In the soup was:
1 medium carrot, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp chicken powder
5 cups water
350g pan-fried chicken, chopped
This technically made 2.5 portions, but as I was heating it up I added in some broccoli and think I can stretch it out to three. (24g protein)
Today: 85g protein
So after being on the PSMF for 3 days, I haven't really felt any real hunger. This morning, I woke up really dehydrated even though I drank 8+ cups of water yesterday.
I also wake up unusually tired even with 7hr of sleep. When I was fasting/on the raw foods diet, I barely needed any sleep and would wake up before my alarm so this change is interesting.
Also, this may be TMI, but my fears of becoming irregular have come true. I've been trying to incorporate as much veggies (as I think reasonable) at each meal but may start drinking a senna tea every night if this doesn't change.
I like how your commute home is only 20 minutes from downtown! :D. Also, your meals look pretty good, esp your breakfast.. Teflon pan is pretty good. They can be relatively inexpensive too! we have one at home that's very non stick and was only $20. Try going to sears..
ReplyDeleteYour days are so busy! I will strive to be just as busy as you~~~~inspiration.
PS new blog will be up sooooooooooooons. I already made the name:
Yay wordpress! :) Can't wait to read the new blog. Yeah, commuting home from work is faster because it takes me 40 min to get to work from school! I had no problems with food sticking when I used to use PAM or Olive Oil ... now because I can't, I'm using this Becel 0cal spray and it is not very good.